File Discovery
is able to watch changes happening to a file that contains the gNMI targets configuration.
The file can be located in the local file system or a remote one.
In case of remote file, ftp
, sftp
, http(s)
protocols are supported. The read timeout of remote files is set to half of the read interval
Newly added targets are discovered and subscribed to. Deleted targets are moved from gNMIc's list and their subscriptions are terminated.
A file target loader can be configured in a couple of ways:
- using the
gnmic --targets-file ./targets-config.yaml subscribe
gnmic --targets-file s subscribe
- using the main configuration file:
type: file
# path to the file
path: ./targets-config.yaml
# watch interval at which the file
# is read again to determine if a target was added or deleted.
interval: 30s
# time to wait before the first file read
start-delay: 0s
# if true, registers fileLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
# prometheus registry
enable-metrics: false
# list of actions to run on target discovery
# list of actions to run on target removal
# variable dict to pass to actions to be run
# path to variable file, the variables defined will be passed to the actions to be run
# values in this file will be overwritten by the ones defined in `vars`
The --targets-file
flag takes precedence over the loader
configuration section.
The targets file can be either a YAML
or a JSON
file (identified by its extension json, yaml or yml), and follows the same format as the main configuration file targets
section. See here
Local File#
type: file
# path to the file
path: ./targets-config.yaml
# watch interval at which the file
# is read again to determine if a target was added or deleted.
interval: 30s
# if true, registers fileLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
# prometheus registry
enable-metrics: false
Remote File#
SFTP remote file
type: file
# path to the file
path: s
# watch interval at which the file
# is read again to determine if a target was added or deleted.
interval: 30s
# if true, registers fileLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
# prometheus registry
enable-metrics: false
FTP remote file
type: file
# path to the file
# watch interval at which the file
# is read again to determine if a target was added or deleted.
interval: 30s
# if true, registers fileLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
# prometheus registry
enable-metrics: false
HTTP remote file
type: file
# path to the file
# watch interval at which the file
# is read again to determine if a target was added or deleted.
interval: 30s
# if true, registers fileLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
# prometheus registry
enable-metrics: false
Targets file format#
username: admin
insecure: true
username: admin
"": {
"username": "admin",
"insecure": true
"": {
"username": "admin",
"": {},
"": {},
"": {}
Just like the targets in the main configuration file, the missing configuration fields get filled with the global flags, the ENV variables first, the config file main section next and then the default values.