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Docker Discovery

The Docker target loader allows discovering gNMI targets from Docker Engine hosts.

It discovers containers as well as their gNMI address, based on a list of Docker filters

One gNMI target is added per discovered container.

Individual Target configurations are derived from the container exposed ports and labels, as well as the global configuration.


  # the loader type: docker
  type: docker
  # string, the docker daemon address,
  # leave empty to use the local docker daemon
  # possible values:
  #  - unix:///var/run/docker.sock
  #  - tcp://<docker_host>:port
  #  - http://<docker_host>:port
  address: ""
  # duration, check interval for discovering 
  # new docker containers, default: 30s
  interval: 30s
  # duration, the docker queries timeout, 
  # defaults to half of `interval` if left unset or is invalid.
  timeout: 15s
  # time to wait before the fist docker query
  start-delay: 0s
  # bool, print loader debug statements.
  debug: false
  # if true, registers dockerLoader prometheus metrics with the provided
  # prometheus registry
  enable-metrics: false
  # containers, network filters: 
  # see
  # for the possible values.
      # containers filters
    - containers:
        # containers returned by `docker ps -f "label=clab-node-kind=srl"`
        - label: clab-node-kind=srl
      # network filters
        # networks returned by `docker network ls -f "label=containerlab"`
        label: containerlab
      # gNMI port value for the containers discovered by this filter.
      # It can be a port value or a label name set on the container.
      # valid values:
      #   `port: "57400"`
      #   `port: "label=gnmi-port"`
      # target config for containers discovered by this filter.
      # These fields will override the matching global config fields.
        username: admin
        password: secret1
        skip-verify: true
  # list of actions to run on target discovery
  # list of actions to run on target removal
  # variable dict to pass to actions to be run
  # path to variable file, the variables defined will be passed to the actions to be run
  # values in this file will be overwritten by the ones defined in `vars`
Filter fields explanation#
  • containers: (Optional)

A list of lists of docker filters used to select containers from the Docker Engine host.

The docker filter status=running is implicitly added.

If not set, all containers with status=running are selected.

  • network: (Optional)

A set of docker filters used to select the network to connect to the container.

If not filter is set, all docker networks are considered.

  • port: (Optional)

This field is used to specify the gNMI port for the discovered containers.

An integer can be specified in which case it will be used as the gNMI port for all discovered containers.

Alternatively, a string in the format label=<label_name> can be set, where <label_name> is a docker label containing the gNMI port value.

If no value is set, the global flag/value port is used.

  • config: (Optional)

A set of configuration parameters to be applied to all discovered targets by the container filter.

The target config fields as defined here can be set, except name and address which are discovered by the loader.



A simple docker loader with a single docker container filter.

It loads all containers deployed with containerlab, in lab called lab1.

  type: docker
    - containers:
        - label: containerlab=lab1

In the above example, gnmic docker loader connects to the local Docker Daemon.

It will discover containers having label containerlab=lab1 and add them as gNMI targets.

Default configuration applies to those added targets


A simple docker loader with a single docker container filter.

It loads all containers deployed with containerlab, having kind srl.

  type: docker
    - containers:
        - label: clab-node-kind=srl

In the above example, gnmic docker loader connects to the local Docker Daemon.

It will discover containers having label clab-node-kind=srl and add them as gNMI targets.

Default configuration applies to those added targets

Advanced Example#

A more advanced docker loader, with 2 filers, custom networks, ports and target configuration.

  type: docker
  address: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    # filter 1
    - containers:
        # containers returned by `docker ps -f "label=clab-node-kind=srl"`
        - label: clab-node-kind=srl
        # networks returned by `docker network ls -f "label=containerlab"`
        label: containerlab
      port: "57400"
        username: admin
        password: secret1
        skip-verify: true
    # filter 2
    - containers:
        # containers returned by `docker ps -f "label=clab-node-kind=ceos"`
        - label: clab-node-kind=ceos
        # containers returned by `docker ps -f "label=clab-node-kind=vr-sros"`
        - label: clab-node-kind=vr-sros
        # networks returned by `docker network ls -f "name=mgmt"`
        name: mgmt
      # the value of label=gnmi-port exported by each container`
      port: "label=gnmi-port"
        username: admin
        password: secret2
        insecure: true

In the above example, gnmic docker loader connects to the docker daemon using the local unix socket address.

It will discover 2 sets of containers matching 2 filters:

  • Filter1:

    • Containers with label clab-node-kind=srl.
    • Use network with label containerlab to connect to them.
    • The port number is the same for all containers and is set to 57400.
    • The config fields username: admin, password: secret1 and skip-verify: true will be applied to all the containers discovered by this filter.
  • Filter2:

    • Containers with labels clab-node-kind-ceos or clab-node-vr-sros
    • Use network with name=mgmt to connect to them. Note that Docker returns all networks with names containing mgmt
    • The port number is discovered from the label gnmi-port set on each container.
    • The config fields username: admin, password: secret2 and insecure: true will be applied to all the containers discovered by this filter.