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Scrape Based (Pull)


gNMIc offers the capability to present gNMI updates on a Prometheus server, allowing a Prometheus system to perform scrapes.

The Prometheus metric name and its labels are generated according to the subscription name, gNMI path, and the value name.

To define a gNMIc Prometheus output, use the following format in the gnmic configuration file under the outputs section:

    type: prometheus # required
    # address to listen on for incoming scrape requests
    listen: :9804 
    # path to query to get the metrics
    path: /metrics 
    # maximum lifetime of metrics in the local cache, #
    # a zero value defaults to 60s, a negative duration (e.g: -1s) disables the expiration
    expiration: 60s 
    # a string to be used as the metric namespace
    metric-prefix: "" 
    # a boolean, if true the subscription name will be appended to the metric name after the prefix
    append-subscription-name: false 
    # boolean, if true the message timestamp is changed to current time
    override-timestamps: false
    # a boolean, enables exporting timestamps received from the gNMI target as part of the metrics
    export-timestamps: false 
    # a boolean, enables setting string type values as prometheus metric labels.
    strings-as-labels: false
    # tls config
      # string, path to the CA certificate file,
      # this certificate is used to verify the clients certificates.
      # string, server certificate file.
      # string, server key file.
      # string, one of `"", "request", "require", "verify-if-given", or "require-verify" 
      #  - request:         The server requests a certificate from the client but does not 
      #                     require the client to send a certificate. 
      #                     If the client sends a certificate, it is not required to be valid.
      #  - require:         The server requires the client to send a certificate and does not 
      #                     fail if the client certificate is not valid.
      #  - verify-if-given: The server requests a certificate, 
      #                     does not fail if no certificate is sent. 
      #                     If a certificate is sent it is required to be valid.
      #  - require-verify:  The server requires the client to send a valid certificate.
      # if no ca-file is present, `client-auth` defaults to ""`
      # if a ca-file is set, `client-auth` defaults to "require-verify"`
      client-auth: ""
    # see, 
    # if enabled, the received gNMI notifications are stored in a cache.
    # the prometheus metrics are generated at the time a prometheus server sends scrape request.
    # this behavior allows the processors (if defined) to be run on all the generated events at once.
    # this mode uses more resource compared to the default one, but offers more flexibility when it comes 
    # to manipulating the data to customize the returned metrics using event-processors.
    # duration, scrape request timeout.
    # this timer is started when a scrape request is received, 
    # if it is reached, the metrics generation/collection is stopped.
    timeout: 10s
    # enable debug for prometheus output
    debug: false 
    # string, one of `overwrite`, `if-not-present`, ``
    # This field allows populating/changing the value of Prefix.Target in the received message.
    # if set to ``, nothing changes 
    # if set to `overwrite`, the target value is overwritten using the template configured under `target-template`
    # if set to `if-not-present`, the target value is populated only if it is empty, still using the `target-template`
    # string, a GoTemplate that allow for the customization of the target field in Prefix.Target.
    # it applies only if the previous field `add-target` is not empty.
    # if left empty, it defaults to:
    # {{- if index . "subscription-target" -}}
    # {{ index . "subscription-target" }}
    # {{- else -}}
    # {{ index . "source" | host }}
    # {{- end -}}`
    # which will set the target to the value configured under `subscription.$` if any,
    # otherwise it will set it to the target name stripped of the port number (if present)
    # list of processors to apply on the message before writing
    # an integer, sets the number of worker handling messages to be converted into Prometheus metrics
    num-workers: 1
    # Enables Consul service registration
      # Consul server address, default to localhost:8500
      # Consul Data center, defaults to dc1
      # Consul username, to be used as part of HTTP basicAuth
      # Consul password, to be used as part of HTTP basicAuth
      # Consul Token, is used to provide a per-request ACL token which overrides the agent's default token
      # address and port number to be registered as a service address in Consul.
      # if the field is empty the address is derived from the listen field.
      # if the address does not contain a port number, the port number fmro the listen field is used.
      # Prometheus service check interval, for both http and TTL Consul checks,
      # defaults to 5s
      # Maximum number of failed checks before the service is deleted by Consul
      # defaults to 3
      # Consul service name
      # List of tags to be added to the service registration, 
      # if available, the instance-name and cluster-name will be added as tags,
      # in the format: gnmic-instance=$instance-name and gnmic-cluster=$cluster-name
      # bool, enables http service check on top of the TTL check
      # string, if enable-http-check is true, this field can be used to specify the http endpoint to be used to the check
      # if provided, this filed with be prepended with 'http://' (if not already present), 
      # and appended with the value in 'path' field.
      # if not specified, it will be derived from the fields 'listen' and 'path'
      # if set to true, the gnmic instance will try to ac quire a lock before registering the prometheus output in consul.
      # this allows to register a single instance of the cluster in consul.
      # if the instance which acquired the lock fails, one of the remaining ones will take over.
      use-lock: false

Fields definition#


The output type, prometheus in this case.


Address to listen on for incoming scrape requests, defaults to :9804


URL Path to query in order to retrieve the metrics, defaults to /metrics


Maximum lifetime of metrics in the local cache, A zero value defaults to 60s, a negative duration (e.g: -1s) disables the expiration


A string to be used as the metric namespace


A boolean, if true the subscription name will be appended to the metric name after the prefix


A boolean, if true the message timestamp is changed to current time


A boolean, enables exporting timestamps received from the gNMI target as part of the metrics


A boolean, enables setting string type values as prometheus metric labels.



A string, path to the CA certificate file. This certificate is used to verify the clients certificates.


A string, path to server certificate file.


A string, server key file.


A string, use to control whether the server requests a client certificate or not and how it validates it.

One of:

  • "":

    The server does not request a certificate from the client.

  • "request":

    The server requests a certificate from the client but does not require the client to send a certificate. If the client sends a certificate, it is not required to be valid.

  • "require":

    The server requires the client to send a certificate and does not fail if the client certificate is not valid.

  • "verify-if-given":

    The server requests a certificate, does not fail if no certificate is sent. If a certificate is sent it is required to be valid.

  • "require-verify":

    The server requires the client to send a valid certificate.

If the ca-file is not provided, the default value for client-auth is an empty string ("").

However, if a ca-file is specified, the default value for client-auth becomes "require-verify".


Refer to the cache docs for more information.

When enabled, gNMI notifications are stored in a cache upon receipt. Prometheus metrics are subsequently generated when a Prometheus system sends a scrape request. This approach allows processors (if defined) to operate on all generated events simultaneously. While this mode consumes more resources compared to the default, it provides increased flexibility for data manipulation and metric customization through the use of event-processors.


A Duration such as 10s, 1m or 1m30s, defines the scrape request timeout. This timer is started when a scrape request is received from a Prometheus system. If the timer is is reached, the metrics generation/collection is stopped.


A boolean. Enables debug for prometheus output


A string, one of overwrite, if-not-present or ``. This field allows populating/changing the value of Prefix.Target in the received message.

If left empty (""), no changes will be made.

If set to "overwrite", the target value will be replaced with the configuration specified under target-template.

If set to "if-not-present", the target value will be populated only if it is empty, utilizing the target-template.


A string, a GoTemplate that allow for the customization of the target field in Prefix.Target. It applies only if the previous field add-target is not empty. If left target-template is left empty, it defaults to:

{{- if index . "subscription-target" -}}
{{ index . "subscription-target" }}
{{- else -}}
{{ index . "source" | host }}
{{- end -}}

The above template sets the target to the value configured under subscription.$ if any, otherwise it will set it to the target name stripped of the port number (if present)


A string list. List of processors to apply on the message before writing


Enables Consul service registration


Consul server address, default to localhost:8500


Consul Data center, defaults to dc1


Consul username, to be used as part of HTTP basicAuth


Consul password, to be used as part of HTTP basicAuth


Consul Token, is used to provide a per-request ACL token which overrides the agent's default token


Address and port number to be registered as a service address in Consul. if the field is empty the address is derived from the listen field. if the address does not contain a port number, the port number from the listen field is used.


Prometheus service check interval, for both http and TTL Consul checks, defaults to 5s


Maximum number of failed checks before the service is deleted by Consul defaults to 3


Consul service name


List of tags to be added to the service registration, if available, the instance-name and cluster-name will be added as tags, in the format: gnmic-instance=instance-name and gnmic-cluster=cluster-name


A boolean, enables http service check on top of the TTL check


A string, if enable-http-check is true, this field can be used to specify the http endpoint to be used to the check if provided, this filed with be prepended with 'http://' (if not already present), and appended with the value in 'path' field. if not specified, it will be derived from the fields 'listen' and 'path'


A boolean, if set to true, the gnmic instance will try to acquire a lock before registering the prometheus output. This knob allows to register a single instance of the cluster in Consul. if the instance which acquired the lock fails, one of the remaining ones takes over by acquiring the lost lock.

Metric Generation#

The below diagram shows an example of a prometheus metric generation from a gnmi update

Metric Naming#

The metric name starts with the string configured under metric-prefix.

Then if append-subscription-name is true, the subscription-name as specified in gnmic configuration file is appended.

The resulting string is followed by the gNMI path stripped of its keys if there are any.

All non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with an underscore "_"

The 3 strings are then joined with an underscore "_"

If further customization of the metric name is required, the processors can be used to transform the metric name.

For example, a gNMI update from subscription port-stats with path:


is exposed as a metric named:


Metric Labels#

The metrics labels are generated from the subscription metadata (e.g: subscription-name and source) and the keys present in the gNMI path elements.

For the previous example the labels would be:


Service Registration#

gnmic supports prometheus_output service registration via Consul.

It allows prometheus to dynamically discover new instances of gnmic exposing a prometheus server ready for scraping via its service discovery feature.

If the configuration section service-registration is present under the output definition, gnmic will register the prometheus_output service in Consul.

Configuration Example#

The below configuration, registers a service name gnmic-prom-srv with IP= and port=9804

# gnmic.yaml
    type: prometheus
    path: /metrics 
      address: consul-agent.local:8500
      name: gnmic-prom-srv

This allows running multiple instances of gnmic with minimal configuration changes by using prometheus service discovery feature.

Simplified scrape configuration in the prometheus client:

# prometheus.yaml
  - job_name: 'gnmic'
    scrape_interval: 10s
      - server: $CONSUL_ADDRESS
          - $service_name

Service Name and ID#

The $service_name to be discovered by prometheus is configured under outputs.$

If the service registration name field is not present, the name prometheus-${output_name} will be used.

In both cases the service ID will be prometheus-${output_name}-${instance_name}.

Service Checks#

gnmic registers the service in Consul with a ttl check enabled by default:

  • ttl: gnmic periodically updates the service definition in Consul. The goal is to allow Consul to detect a same instance restarting with a different service name.

If service-registration.enable-http-check is true, an http check is added:

  • http: Consul periodically scrapes the prometheus server endpoint to check its availability.
# gnmic.yaml
    type: prometheus
    path: /metrics 
      address: consul-agent.local:8500
      name: gnmic-prom-srv
      enable-http-check: true

Note that for the http check to work properly, a reachable address ( IP or name ) should be specified under listen.

Otherwise, a reachable address should be added under service-registration.http-check-address.


When caching is enabled, the received messages are not immediately converted into metrics, they are cached as gNMI updates. The conversion from gNMI update to Prometheus metrics happens only when a scrape request is received.

The below diagram shows how a prometheus output works with and without cache enabled:

When caching is enabled, the received gNMI updates are not processed and converted into metrics immediately, they are rather stored as is in the configured gNMI cache.

Once a scrape request is received from Prometheus, all the cached gNMI updates are retrieved from the cache, converted to events, the configured processors, if any, are then applied to the whole list of events. Finally, The resulting event are converted into metrics and written back to Prometheus within the scrape response.

Prometheus Output Metrics#

When a Prometheus server (gNMI API) is enabled, gnmic prometheus output exposes 2 prometheus Gauges:

  • number_of_prometheus_metrics_total: Number of metrics stored by the prometheus output.
  • number_of_prometheus_cached_metrics_total: Number of metrics cached by the prometheus output.


A simple Prometheus output#

A basic Prometheus output utilizing all default values converts each received gNMI update into a Prometheus metric, retaining it in the cache until a scrape request is received from a Prometheus system.

    type: prometheus

Promote string values to labels#

A straightforward Prometheus output, utilizing default values for the most part, transforms each incoming gNMI update into a Prometheus metric. In this process, if a value is a string, it is incorporated as a label in the final metric.

These metrics are retained in the cache, awaiting a scrape request from a Prometheus system.

    type: prometheus
    strings-as-labels: true

Use a gNMI cache#

A Prometheus output leveraging a gNMI cache stores incoming gNMI updates in their original form, only converting them into Prometheus metrics upon receiving a scrape request from a Prometheus system.

This mode enables batch processing of all updates simultaneously during their conversion into Prometheus metrics.

    type: prometheus
    cache: {}

****Register as a Consul service****#

A Prometheus output that dynamically registers its endpoint within Consul, enabling the Prometheus system to seamlessly discover the associated address and port number.

    type: prometheus
      address: consul-server-address:8500