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gnmic supports exporting subscription updates to multiple Apache Kafka brokers/clusters simultaneously

Configuration sample#

A Kafka output can be defined using the below format in gnmic config file under outputs section:

    # required
    type: kafka 
    # kafka client name. 
    # if left empty, this field is populated with the output name used as output ID (output1 in this example).
    # the full name will be '$(name)-kafka-prod'.
    # If the flag --instance-name is not empty, the full name will be '$(instance-name)-$(name)-kafka-prod.
    # note that each kafka worker (producer) will get client name=$name-$index
    name: ""
    # Comma separated brokers addresses
    address: localhost:9092 
    # Kafka topic name
    topic: telemetry 
    # Kafka topic prefix
    # If supplied, overrides the `topic` key and outputs to a separate topic per source
    # named like `$topic_$subscriptionName_$targetName`. If `source` contains a port number separated with a colon,
    # the colon will be replaced with an underscore due to restrictions on the naming of kafka topics.
    # ex: telemetry_bgp_neighbor_state_device1_6030
    topic-prefix: telemetry
    # starts a sync-producer if set to true.
    sync-producer: false
    # required-acks is used in Produce Requests to tell the broker how many replica acknowledgements
    # it must see before responding. One of `no-response`, `wait-for-local`, `wait-for-all`.
    required-acks: wait-for-local
    # Kafka SASL configuration
      # SASL user name
      # SASL password
      # SASL mechanism: PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512 and OAUTHBEARER are supported
      # token url for OAUTHBEARER SASL mechanism
    # tls config
      # string, path to the CA certificate file,
      # this will be used to verify the clients certificates when `skip-verify` is false
      # string, client certificate file.
      # string, client key file.
      # boolean, if true, the client will not verify the server
      # certificate against the available certificate chain.
      skip-verify: false
    # The total number of times to retry sending a message
    max-retry: 2 
    # Kafka connection timeout
    timeout: 5s 
    # Wait time to reestablish the kafka producer connection after a failure
    recovery-wait-time: 10s 
    # Exported msg format, json, protojson, prototext, proto, event
    format: event 
    # boolean, if true the kafka producer will add a key to 
    # the message written to the broker. The key value is ${source}_${subscription-name}.
    # this is useful for Kafka topics with multiple partitions, it allows to keep messages from the same source and subscription in sequence.
    insert-key: false
    # string, one of `overwrite`, `if-not-present`, ``
    # This field allows populating/changing the value of Prefix.Target in the received message.
    # if set to ``, nothing changes 
    # if set to `overwrite`, the target value is overwritten using the template configured under `target-template`
    # if set to `if-not-present`, the target value is populated only if it is empty, still using the `target-template`
    # string, a GoTemplate that allows for the customization of the target field in Prefix.Target.
    # it applies only if the previous field `add-target` is not empty.
    # if left empty, it defaults to:
    # {{- if index . "subscription-target" -}}
    # {{ index . "subscription-target" }}
    # {{- else -}}
    # {{ index . "source" | host }}
    # {{- end -}}`
    # which will set the target to the value configured under `subscription.$` if any,
    # otherwise it will set it to the target name stripped of the port number (if present)
    # boolean, valid only if format is `event`.
    # if true, arrays of events are split and marshaled as JSON objects instead of an array of dicts.
    split-events: false
    # string, a GoTemplate that is executed using the received gNMI message as input.
    # the template execution is the last step before the data is written to the file,
    # First the received message is formatted according to the `format` field above, then the `event-processors` are applied if any
    # then finally the msg-template is executed.
    # boolean, if true the message timestamp is changed to current time
    override-timestamps: false
    # Number of kafka producers to be created 
    num-workers: 1 
    # (bool) enable debug
    debug: false 
    # (int) number of messages to buffer before being picked up by the workers
    buffer-size: 0
    # (string) enables compression of produced message. One of gzip, snappy, zstd, lz4
    compression-codec: gzip
    # (bool) enables the collection and export (via prometheus) of output specific metrics
    enable-metrics: false 
    # list of processors to apply on the message before writing

Currently all subscriptions updates (all targets and all subscriptions) are published to the defined topic name unless the topic-prefix configuration option is set.

Kafka Security protocol#

Kafka clients can operate with 4 security protocols, their configuration is controlled via both .tls and .sasl fields under the output config.

Security Protocol Description Configuration
PLAINTEXT Un-authenticated, non-encrypted channel .tls and .sasl are NOT present
SASL_PLAINTEXT SASL authenticated, non-encrypted channel only .sasl is present
SASL_SSL SASL authenticated, SSL channel both .tls and .sasl are present
SSL SSL channel only .tls is present

Security Configuration Examples#

    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
    # other fields
    # no tls and no sasl fields
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      user: admin
      password: secret
    # other fields
    # no tls field

Example1: Without server certificate verification

    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      user: admin
      password: secret
      skip-verify: true
    # other fields
    # ...
Example2: With server certificate verification
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      user: admin
      password: secret
      ca-file: /path/to/ca-file
    # other fields
    # ...
Example3: With client certificates
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      user: admin
      password: secret
      cert-file: /path/to/cert-file
      key-file: /path/to/cert-file
    # other fields
    # ...
Example4: With both server certificate verification and client certificates
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      user: admin
      password: secret
      cert-file: /path/to/cert-file
      key-file: /path/to/cert-file
      ca-file: /path/to/ca-file
    # other fields
    # ...

Example1: Without server certificate verification

    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      skip-verify: true
    # other fields
    # no sasl field
Example2: With server certificate verification
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      ca-file: /path/to/ca-file
    # other fields
    # no sasl field
Example3: With client certificates
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      cert-file: /path/to/cert-file
      key-file: /path/to/cert-file
    # other fields
    # no sasl field
Example4: With both server certificate verification and client certificates
    type: kafka
    topic: my_kafka_topic
      cert-file: /path/to/cert-file
      key-file: /path/to/cert-file
      ca-file: /path/to/ca-file
    # other fields
    # no sasl field

Kafka Output Metrics#

When a Prometheus server is enabled, gnmic kafka output exposes 4 prometheus metrics, 3 Counters and 1 Gauge:

  • number_of_kafka_msgs_sent_success_total: Number of msgs successfully sent by gnmic kafka output. This Counter is labeled with the kafka producerID
  • number_of_written_kafka_bytes_total: Number of bytes written by gnmic kafka output. This Counter is labeled with the kafka producerID
  • number_of_kafka_msgs_sent_fail_total: Number of failed msgs sent by gnmic kafka output. This Counter is labeled with the kafka producerID as well as the failure reason
  • msg_send_duration_ns: gnmic kafka output send duration in nanoseconds. This Gauge is labeled with the kafka producerID