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The event-jq processor applies a jq expression on the received event messages.

jq expressions are a powerful tool that can be used to slice, filter, map, transform JSON object.

The event-jq processor uses two configuration fields, condition and expression, both support jq expressions.

  • condition (that needs to return a boolean value) determines if the processor is to be applied on the event message. if false the message is returned as is.

  • expression is used to transform, filter and/or enrich the messages. It needs to return a JSON object that can be mapped to an array of event messages.

The event messages resulting from a single gNMI Notification are passed to the jq expression as a JSON array.

Some jq expression examples:

  • Select messages with name "sub1" that include a value called "counter1" with value higher than 90

    expression: .[] | select(.name=="sub1" and .values.counter1 > 90)

  • Delete values with name "counter1"

expression: .[] | del(.values.counter1)
  • Delete values with names "counter1" or "counter2"
expression: .[] | del(.values.["counter1", "counter2"])
  • Delete tags with names "tag1" or "tag2"

    expression: .[] | del(.tags.["tag1", "tag2"])

  • Add a tag called "my_new_tag" with value "tag1"

    expression: .[] |= (.tags.my_new_tag = "tag1")

  • Move a value to tag under a custom key

    expression: .[] |= (.tags.my_new_tag_name = .values.value_name)


  # processor name
    # processor type
      # condition of application of the processor
      # jq expression to transform/filter/enrich the message
      # boolean enabling extra logging