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Data Convert

The event-data-convert processor converts data values matching one of the regular expressions from/to a specific data unit:

Symbol Unit Symbol Unit Symbol Unit
b Bit B Byte KiB KibiByte
kb kiloBit KB KiloByte MiB MebiByte
mb MegaBit MB MegaByte GiB GibiByte
gb GigaBit GB GigaByte TiB TebiByte
tb TeraBit TB TeraByte EiB ExbiByte
eb ExaBit EB ExaByte ZiB ZebiByte
ZB ZetaByte YiB YobiByte
YB YottaByte

The source values can be of any numeric type including a string with or without a unit, e.g: 2.3, 1KB or 1.1 TB.

The unit of the original value can be derived as Byte from its name if it ends with -bytes, -octets, _bytes or _octets.


simple conversion#

The below processor will convert any value with a name ending in -octets from Byte to KiloByte.

  # processor name
    # processor type
      # list of regex to be matched with the values names
        - ".*-octets$"
      # the source value unit, defaults to B (Byte)
      from: B
      # the desired value unit, defaults to B (Byte)
      to: KB
      # keep the original value, 
      # a new value name will be added with the converted value,
      # the new value name will be the original name with _$to as suffix 
      # if no regex renaming is defined using `old` and `new`
      keep: false
      # old, a regex to be used to rename the converted value
      # new, the replacement string
      # debug, enables this processor logging
      debug: false
  "name": "default",
  "timestamp": 1607290633806716620,
  "tags": {
    "port_port-id": "A/1",
    "source": "",
    "subscription-name": "default"
  "values": {
    "/state/port/ethernet/statistics/in-octets": "2048"
  "name": "default",
  "timestamp": 1607290633806716620,
  "tags": {
    "port_port-id": "A/1",
    "source": "",
    "subscription-name": "default"
  "values": {
    "/state/port/ethernet/statistics/in-octets": 2

conversion with renaming#

The below data convert processor converts any value with a name ending in -octets from Byte to Kilobyte. It will retain the original value while renaming the new value name by replacing -octets with -kilobytes.

  # processor name
    # processor type
      # list of regex to be matched with the values names
        - ".*-octets$"
      # the source value unit, defaults to B (Byte)
      from: B
      # the desired value unit, defaults to B (Byte)
      to: KB
      # keep the original value, 
      # a new value name will be added with the converted value,
      # the new value name will be the original name with _$to as suffix 
      # if no regex renaming is defined using `old` and `new`
      keep: true
      # old, a regex to be used to rename the converted value
      old: ^(\S+)-octets$
      # new, the replacement string
      new: ${1}-kilobytes
      # debug, enables this processor logging
      debug: false
  "name": "default",
  "timestamp": 1607290633806716620,
  "tags": {
    "port_port-id": "A/1",
    "source": "",
    "subscription-name": "default"
  "values": {
    "/state/port/ethernet/statistics/in-octets": "2048"
  "name": "default",
  "timestamp": 1607290633806716620,
  "tags": {
    "port_port-id": "A/1",
    "source": "",
    "subscription-name": "default"
  "values": {
    "/state/port/ethernet/statistics/in-octets": "2048"
    "/state/port/ethernet/statistics/in-kilobytes": 2