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GET /api/v1/targets#

Request all active targets details.

Returns all active targets as json

curl --request GET gnmic-api-address:port/api/v1/targets
    "": {
        "config": {
            "name": "",
            "address": "",
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "admin",
            "timeout": 10000000000,
            "insecure": true,
            "skip-verify": false,
            "buffer-size": 1000,
            "retry-timer": 10000000000
        "subscriptions": {
            "sub1": {
                "name": "sub1",
                "paths": [
                "mode": "stream",
                "stream-mode": "sample",
                "encoding": "json_ietf",
                "sample-interval": 1000000000
    "": {
        "config": {
            "name": "",
            "address": "",
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "admin",
            "timeout": 10000000000,
            "insecure": true,
            "skip-verify": false,
            "buffer-size": 1000,
            "retry-timer": 10000000000
        "subscriptions": {
            "sub1": {
                "name": "sub1",
            "paths": [
            "mode": "stream",
            "stream-mode": "sample",
            "encoding": "json_ietf",
            "sample-interval": 1000000000
    "errors": [
        "no targets found"
    "errors": [
        "Error Text"

GET /api/v1/targets/{id}#

Query a single target details, if active.

Returns a single target if active as json, where {id} is the target ID

curl --request GET gnmic-api-address:port/targets/
    "config": {
        "name": "",
        "address": "",
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "admin",
        "timeout": 10000000000,
        "insecure": true,
        "skip-verify": false,
        "buffer-size": 1000,
        "retry-timer": 10000000000
    "subscriptions": {
        "sub1": {
            "name": "sub1",
            "paths": [
            "mode": "stream",
            "stream-mode": "sample",
            "encoding": "json_ietf",
            "sample-interval": 1000000000
    "errors": [
        "no targets found"
    "errors": [
        "Error Text"

POST /api/v1/targets/{id}#

Starts a single target subscriptions, where {id} is the target ID

Returns an empty body if successful.

curl --request POST gnmic-api-address:port/api/v1/targets/

    "errors": [
        "target $target not found"
    "errors": [
        "Error Text"

DELETE /api/v1/targets/{id}#

Stops a single target active subscriptions, where {id} is the target ID

Returns an empty body if successful.

curl --request DELETE gnmic-api-address:port/api/v1/targets/

    "errors": [
        "target $target not found"
    "errors": [
        "Error Text"

PATCH /api/v1/targets/{id}/subscriptions#

Updates existing subscriptions for the target ID

Returns an empty body if successful.

curl --request PATCH gnmic-api-address:port/api/v1/targets/ -d '{"subscriptions": ["sub1", "sub2"]}'

    "errors": [
        "target $target not found"
    "errors": [
        "subscription $subscription does not exist"
    "errors": [
        "Error Text"